Lately I’ve been seeing lots of media stories about the high price of gasoline. Basically the line is that we’re nearing record highs. So, is this just rhetoric from the media or are they serious? Turns out they’re right!
I went & pulled data from the US Energy Information Administration (division of the Department of Energy) and charted historical average diesel prices from clear back to 1994. The data pulled represents average diesel prices taken weekly over several years. The last data point is for 2/12/2012 at $3.94/gallon.
(click the chart to see it full size)
And….guess what? It IS a record! Diesel has never been this high at this time of year in the United States…EVER! The closest it got was back in February 2008 when during the same week (ending Feb. 11, 2008), it was $3.28/gallon.
Aren’t you glad you make Biodiesel?