Customer Spotlight: Jake’s Strong Ginger Juice

Check out this awesome success story about a product made in one of our Ultimate Brew In A Basket/Kettle Combo’s!

In 2016, Tryg Jacobsen was on the hunt for something to help him improve how quickly he could make a product he produced called Jake’s Strong Ginger Juice. Initially, Tryg was producing the Ginger Juice using a standard stock pot and a kitchen strainer. Using this method, Tryg was finding that he could produce about 10 quarts of Ginger Juice in about an hour and a half. Not bad, but his product was starting to take off & he needed something that’d let him make it quicker, so on the search he went for something more efficient!


Jakes Ginger Juice

While searching, he our website ran across our Ultimate Brew In A Basket/Kettle Combo’s and thought it might help speed things up.

With a few emails back & forth with us to clarify his exact needs, he decided to try out our 64 Quart Ultimate Brew In A Basket/Kettle Combo system with a weldless spigot installed.

We got busy building one for him, finished it up & sent it his way and he gave it a try. It was a huge success!

Ultimate Brew In A Basket Kettle Combo w/ spigot – 16 Gal (64 Quart)

Instead of taking an hour and a half to produce 10 quarts, Tryg was now able to produce up to 30 quarts in just a half an hour! We think that’s a solid improvement!


Over the years he’s continued to grow and to help accommodate the growth he’s bought additional Ultimate Brew In A Basket/Kettle Combo’s to help him keep up. The set up has continued to work extremely well for Tryg and Jake’s Strong Ginger Juice sales have continued to grow!

In January of 2020, the Sheboygon Press even did an awesome story about Tryg’s success with his Ginger Juice and the story was picked up by the United Press and was published in over 30 papers spreading far and wide of the benefits of Jake’s Ginger Juice…and that meant picking up yet another Ultimate Brew In A Basket/Kettle Combo to help keep up with even more growth!

We’re excited for Tryg & all his success! If you’re in the market for some really awesome Ginger Juice! Be sure & stop by his site and pick some up!

And if you need a really big kettle and brewing filters, stop by our Brewing Filters page as well! We’d love to help you improve your brewing efficiency, no matter what you’re brewing!

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Utah Biodiesel Supply is an industry leader in offering innovative ways to empower our customers to produce Biodiesel. From free online instructional videos on how to get started making this great renewable fuel to promotional items to help our customers proclaim their energy independence, Utah Biodiesel Supply has it covered. With the widest selection available of Biodiesel equipment, supplies, and promotional items, you're sure to learn something new about Biodiesel every time you visit.

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