Product Prototype – 55 Gallon Stainless Steel Filters Should We Make Them? Leave A Comment To Let Us Know!

Based on all the great feedback we received, we have built these filter and offer them on our site in 600, 400, 150, and 74 micron.
Click Here to see the selection!

We’re considering carrying a new type of heavy duty stainless steel barrel filter but want to see if there’s enough interest in it to actually build it.

Here’s what the prototype looks like:

It’s made from 400 Micron Stainless Steel Mesh. Welded to it is a circular cage with 4 hooks that allow it to sit down inside 55 Gallon Drums.

The filter is 6″ deep and about 22″ across.

– The Stainless Steel Mesh can handle extremely hot temperatures that would melt poly filters. This means it can handle heated oil (WVO), hot Biodiesel, or any other heated liquid! Wanna filter methoxide? Yep! It’ll handle that too!
– Restaurants can pour hot oil into it without melting the filter!
– The sides are made from the 400 micron mesh so this filter not only works from the bottom but up the sides as well! That means that if the bottom starts plugging up, it’ll still filter oil out the sides! Which translates into it being able to filter a lot more oil than our traditional poly filters can
– It’s made of metal! If you’ve ever torn a poly mesh filter, you know what kind of a pain it can be. With this filter, it’s unlikely you’ll tear it… know…it’s made of METAL!!! This thing will outlast a poly filter anyday!
– It’s cleanable! Because it’s stainless steel, you can pull it out, flip it over, and hose it off. Heck! Throw it in the dishwasher! It’ll take it!

Thanks for the feedback! These are now available on our site!
Click Here to see them!

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23 comments on “Product Prototype – 55 Gallon Stainless Steel Filters Should We Make Them? Leave A Comment To Let Us Know!

  1. I’d say do it. I’m thinking of the ease and cleanliness of changing over barrels. With a plastic filter if its completely full or has a lot of crud it wants to bend, spill and if lucky only drip a bit. Would be nice to see some handles attached to each side, maybe collapsible to allow a lid to sit flat. And although I’m sure it will give fair warning before failure I would feel more confident with a support rod or two running underneath. Hmm, and the frame is nice. What if it were a frame/element setup that would allow a one time purchase/ea barrel frame and a less expensive molded screen reinforced at the top?
    Even as it is, it would definitely be worth the $60 ‘at least’ for the sites that consistently pour hot grease in the barrels.

  2. I like it. Simple and effective design and priced reasonably. I like the idea of offering different mesh sizes too. I say build them and we will come….

  3. I’d like to place my order now. Two suggestions, more than four support hooks, an additional heavy mesh or cross(14 ga) to prevent sagging.

  4. Just what I’ve been looking for. I will certainly place an order when they become available. Bottom cross braces should be a must, also try to offer a 200 micron.

  5. Great idea. I would buy one. How about 3 sizes (800, 600, 400??) that fit inside each other. I use the plastic ones and space them over my drum

  6. The stainless drum filter is a great idea and long overdue. The design looks spot on except for the hooks, they need to be wider in my opinion, just to handle the weight if the oil. Other than that, please build them. I’ll take one in 400,200, and 100 micron.

  7. Don’t forget to sufficiently support the bottom of the screen because it will get heavy as the solid build up on the screen. I’ll take two

  8. Great suggestions! Looks like we have enough interest to build them.
    We’re also looking at ways to support the bottom as well on the production filter that will be available.
    Keep the feedback coming! I love it!