Check out these great pictures sent in by one of our awesome customers in Norway!
He has a BioPro 190 Automated Biodiesel Processor with a stainless steel wvo pre-treatment tank.
He adds 200 liters of waste cooking oil to the pre-treatment tank, pumps in the previous batch of glycerin, heats it up and then settles everything out. This pre-treats his wvo and makes it much better for reacting into Biodiesel.
He’s able to produce the fuel for about $0.50/liter or about a $1.89/gallon. Much better than the $7.50+/gal that diesel fuel runs in Norway!
Here’s a shot of the front of his BioPro 190 Automated Biodiesel Processor
Here’s a shot of his lab where he tests the oil and preps the chemicals for making the fuel.
Here’s a shot of the BioPro and the stainless settling tank together.
Here’s a close up shot of his wvo pretreatment/water removal tank.
He’s making fuel for use in his diesels and loves it!