Check out this awesome pump setup built by Ryan Staver, one of our awesome customers!
Ryan needed to be able to pump waste motor oil out of large bins and transport it fast and efficiently. To do this, he built what we think is a totally awesome pump for handling waste motor oil that’s completely portable! In testing, he said it moved thick, nasty motor oil at about 18 Gallons Per Minute. That’s an awesome rate for used motor oil! Especially with all the hose it has to flow through! He was thrilled with the result.

Here’s the basic specs on his pump setup:
– 212 CC Harbor Freight Predator Gas Engine
– 25 GPM Goldstream Monster Gear Pump
– Goldstream Pump Mount For Gas Motors
– 22 Feet 1.25″ Discharge Hose
– 15 Feet 1.25″ Suction Hose
– 1/4″ Perforated Bung Suction Filter
– Oil Shut-off Valve At Suction Filter
– Large custom priming funnel
– Inline T-Strainer on discharge side of pump head
– Custom Built Cart w/ Hose Rack
– 4 Heavy Duty Wheels

How It Works:
The pump is wheeled into place and the hoses are put in place.
The suction end of the hose with the 1/4″ bung filter is dropped into the pickup container with the ball valve open. The other end of the hose is placed in his oil collection container. He starts the pump up and dumps about a gallon or two of oil into the priming funnel to fill the suction hose with oil (filling the hose with oil makes it easier to get the pumped primed and going). Once the oil starts moving, the oil transferring begins.

Once the container is finished, Ryan can close off the ball valve as the suction end & kill the pump (to keep the hose filled with oil) and then move to the next container keeping the suction hose full, or if he’s done, he can let the pump suck the hose dry and then close the ball valve to keep any residual oil from leaking out (we think that’s an awesome touch!)
The discharge hose can also be capped as well to keep residual oil from leaking in transport too.

He’s also experimented with putting a ball valve on the end of the discharge hose as well for similar reasons. Once the pumping is done, the hoses are wrapped back up & placed on the pump caddy and it’s ready for transportation! The pump is then loaded back into his truck and he’s off!
Here’s how he built it:
He started out with a 212 CC motor from Harbor Freight, added one of our Goldstream 212 CC Gas Engine Mounts, and then mounted one of our 25 GPM Goldstream Monster Gear Pump heads to the engine.
Next, he built a custom made cart complete with wheels, hose storage, and even a cool storage pot for one of our 1/4″ Perforated Bung Filters!
Once everything was together, he painted it this awesome red color and started using it!
Check out these great pictures of the setup!
Want to build something like this yourself?
Here’s what you’ll need:
(1) 25 GPM Goldstream Monster Gear Pump Head
(1) Goldstream Monster Gear Pump Engine Mount
(1) 212 CC Harbor Freight Gas Motor
(1) 1/4″ Perforated Bung Filter w/ Suction Pipe
Add in some ball valves for the ends of each hose, possibly an inline-strainer, and any other accessories you’d like to include. Then mount it to something such as a cart on wheels and you’re ready to go!
It’s portable, it’s reliable, it’s fast, it’ll suck up thick, nasty motor oils, and it works! We think it’s awesome and were really excited to see just how effective a gas engine with one of our Goldstream Monster Gear Pumps could be!
So, if you’re looking to move motor oil and want a really strong combo, here’s your ticket!
Click Here To Learn More About Our Awesome Goldstream Monster Gear Pumps!
Happy Pumping!
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