We’re doing some research for some upcoming brewing filters we have in the works and would love your help. We’re looking to find out which kettle sizes are most popular among our brewing customers, what the typical batch size is, and any additional details we can find out.
If you’d like to participate, simply comment with your kettle details below.
We’d love to know:
1) What diameter & depth your brew kettles are?
2) What the brand name of your kettle is? (If known)
2) What your typical batch size is in gallons?
3) If you add hops, what type (pellet or whole leaf) and how much do you typically add to your batches?
Keg converted to a Keggel.
12 gal boil
whole leaf since it strains better after boil.
6oz in boil, 1oz dry hop in (2) serving 1/6th kegs
I have a new (to me) kettle that holds 20 gallons. Just did my first 10 gallon batch, which means starting the boil at around 12 gallons. It’s 23″ H by 16″ in diameter. The top tapers to a 13″ opening. I believe it is from Williams Brewing.
Today’s batch used 2 oz. of whole leaf hops in the boil, followed by 2 more ounces after the boil. In a week or so, I’ll rack it to secondary and dry-hop it with another 4 ounces.
Diameter 20 inches
Depth 10 inches
Polar is the brand
I do 5 gallon batches
The hops are tough to say I use fresh, whole, and pellets and depends on the type of beer.
I have a Stout Tanks 30 gallon kettle for 25 gallon batches and it measures 19-5/8″ ID x 26″ deep. I just brewed a dopplebock and added 9 ounces of hop pellets.
Keggles and do 5 and 10 gallon batches. Would the 6×14 work well for either? Just need to decide which one to purchase.
Chris, yes, the 6×14 would work well for either size. The 4×10’s we sell are great for 5-10 gallon batches, so a 6×14 would be great for that range as well.
With a 6×14 keggle it’ll give you even more surface area for the hops to disperse over too.
Should do a great job. Might be a bit overkill on the 5 gallon batch because it’s so big, but it’ll still do a great job and would work great for a 10 gallon & keggle batch.
I used a converted U.S. 15.5 gallon beer keg, a keggle. I typically brew 5 gallon batches. Some brews are up to 8 ounces of hops throughout a 120 minute boil.
I’ve been using 200 micron filter bags and would like to move up to stainless mesh.
Email me if you are interested in working something out.
Brewers Hardware, Inc
15 3/4″ X 20 Deep
Batches 10 – 12 gal
whole leaf hops (mostly..) Last batch 118 grams in boil (4+ oz.)
I have 15.5g keggles and some 13.2g keggles.
I shoot for a 12g batch unless im doing a specialty beer then usually only 6g.
As for Hops i use a mix of both with pellets going into my home made hop spider. Bag does a decent job of filtering just getting tired of buying new bags all the time.
On average my IPAs for a 12g batch have about 1lb of whole cone hops.
Ive noticed that alot of the carboy hoppers and such dont hold enough hops IMO.
Using a top-cut-off, 15.5 gallon Golden Gate keg (the old gravity-tap configuration) and I use the original gravity tap equipment to drain the skipper – just push in and turn south and out it flows; Currently using a SS mesh “sock” around the exit point inside. Ready to move up to a 6×14 hanging filter.
Use mostly pellets, about 4-6 oz or so regularly on 5.5 gal batches.
My only concern for a hanging filter is that my keggle has a rather ’rounded’ keg shoulder from where the filter would hang; That is, the sides of the keg are still angling outward from the high point – not straight down like modern kegs with handles; Oh yeah, I had to mount handles onto the keg; the walls extend outward from the opening in the top until half-way down (I’m using a nylon bung in the old filling hole where the original wood bung was), then the sides come back in again to the same size at the bottom. It’s your famous old-fashioned barrel shape. Question is: will a Spider hang well and firm from this? I have used a length of 1/2″ siphon hose sliced lengthwise placed over and around the cut steel edge opening which might provide tension for the Spider’s hook.
Rick, Could you email us a picture of what it looks like & I can tell for sure? (just trying to picture it in my mind).
You can email it to [email protected]
I have a Winware Tri-metal bottom SS Stock Pot.
I plan to use it 3 to 5 gallon batches. Brew in a bag over induction 220 volt cook plate inside the house or over an LP burner outside. Your SS baskets sound like just the thing I need, but my wife will shoot me if I spend more money.
We have a 7bbl system 42 diameter. These hop baskets work great!!
I brew 12 gallon batches in a 1/2 bbl converted Sanke keggle. I brew continental lagers (oktoberfests, dunkels, Helles, CZ pils) primarily, but also hoppy IPA’s. Since the alpha levels of European noble hops tend to be so low, I actually use more hops in the continental lagers than in the hoppy IPA’s. Since hops (particularly the ones I use most) tend to be hit and miss as far as supply goes, I don’t have the luxury of excluding either pelletized or leaf – I use what I have or can find – and since I favor a goodly amount of hop flavor in my beers, I tend to use quite a lot more than the styles I brew would ordinarily indicate. For example, in my last 12 gallon batch of CZ pils, I used about 12 ounces of hops.
I’m currently using a hop spider which uses a paint strainer bag but had a disastrous experience last brewing session where the pelletized Saaz hops I was using were crushed finer than the paint strainer bag and they seeped into my lauter tun/hop back, clogging my entire system. So, as you might guess, I’m quite anxious to try out the Utah Biodiesel hop strainers my wife ordered for my birthday!
Converted keg for brew kettle. Currently doing 5 gal. batches. Using hop pellets. About 8 oz. in boil and at least 6 oz. dry hop in fermenter. Really want to bump up to 10 gal. batches with my system Just doesn’t seem like I can fit all the grain in with the water for mashing. Friends tell me it’s totally doable.
1) What diameter & depth your brew kettles are 16″ diameter; 12 depth
2) What the brand name of your kettle is? (If known)? No name, but Mega Pot-type with tri-clad bottom?
3) What your typical batch size is in gallons? 4 gallons
4) If you add hops, what type (pellet or whole leaf) and how much do you typically add to your batches? Mostly pellets but also homegrown whole leaf hops.
– Diameter = 22.5″; Height = 33.5″; Steel Gauge = 1.5mm;
– Stout Kettle;
– 15 to 45 gal; and
– Fresh and pellet depending on availability.
Height 14″
Dia 13.5″
Bayou Classic, bought used 4 yrs ago, not sure if I would stay with brewing.
now looking to upgade all aspcets home brew area
typical batch size : boil 4-6.5 gallons
hop type: pellets 95 % of time, also use leafs ,flowers, and other items that are not hops. Quantity of hops 1-5 ounces 95% of time.
some hops used in fermentation vessel
1) What diameter & depth your brew kettles are? 15.5″ Wide by 18.6″ Tall
2) What the brand name of your kettle is? Tall Boy (Northern Brewer/Midwest Supplies)
3) What your typical batch size is in gallons? 5 or 7.5 gallons
4) If you add hops, what type (pellet or whole leaf) and how much do you typically add to your batches? Pellet hops. Haven’t tried dry hopping yet. I usually use between 1 and 4 ounces of hops for most beers.
1) What diameter & depth your brew kettles are? 22.5? Wide by 33? Tall
2) What the brand name of your kettle is? No name
3) What your typical batch size is in gallons? 40 gallons
4) If you add hops, what type (pellet or whole leaf) and how much do you typically add to your batches? Pellet hops. 16-20 oz. of anything I can get.
I have a 10 gal kettle, which size filter would work best. Do 5-8 gal batches.
We brewed a Pliney clone about a year ago, hop sludge was astonishing.
I have a 45 gallon stout tanks kettle (https://conical-fermenter.com/45-Gallon-Brew-Kettle-with-Thermowell-Tangential-Inlet-Sight-Glass-Electrical-Ports-and-legs.html). I sometimes do 1 bbl batches but usually do 14 gallon batches. I use pellet hops only. With the two heating elements in the kettle, I’m interested to know what size filter you’d recommend ? I’ll use 1 to 2 lbs of pellet hops in the kettle depending on batch size.
For diameter, rule of thumb is to go at least 1/2 the diameter for the filter. So for 20″ diam, go 10″ or 10.5″ diameter.
For height, I’d measure down from the inside top to see how far down to the elements it is & come up about 1-2″ and that will set your height.
300 micron would be the recommended size for pellet hops.