Biodiesel Glycerin Soap Samples

We recently received a really cool gift basket of Biodiesel glycerin soap from one of our customers in Costa Rica. They’ve been experimenting with soap making over the years and have been continually improving their product.

Included in the gift-basket sample were exfoliating bars, green mint-fragranced bars, powdered laundry soap, a chocolate magnolia bar made with real cocoa & honey, an orange mango bar, and several small bars.

The fragrances smell incredible and have made our office smell like one of the best places around!

A couple years back he sent us some of his liquid Biodiesel glycerin laundry soap and we loved it! It did extremely well with our laundry!

You can learn more about their company and the soap they make at their website:
Link: DieselloVerde

Want to learn how to make your own Biodiesel glycerin soap? Then check out our Biodiesel Glycerin Soap Making Book and Biodiesel Glycerin Soap Making Kits!

You can also see several more examples of Biodiesel glycerin soap here as well!
Biodiesel Glycerin Soap Pictures!

About Utah Biodiesel Supply

Utah Biodiesel Supply is an industry leader in offering innovative ways to empower our customers to produce Biodiesel. From free online instructional videos on how to get started making this great renewable fuel to promotional items to help our customers proclaim their energy independence, Utah Biodiesel Supply has it covered. With the widest selection available of Biodiesel equipment, supplies, and promotional items, you're sure to learn something new about Biodiesel every time you visit.

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