Ever wanted to know which diesel engines come from the factory ready to use Biodiesel? Wonder no more!
The National Biodiesel Board has several resources that make our lives easy when picking out new vehicles that are warranted & ready to use some blend of Biodiesel.
Check out the following links for more info:
OEM Statement Summary Chart This page lists all auto & engine manufacturers and gives the Biodiesel blend that each approves of.
The following approve of B100!
Case IH
Deutz AG
Fairbanks Morse
New Holland
Here’s a list of manufacturers by vehicle that are approved for a blend of Biodiesel:
2013 Diesel Vehicle List for Biodiesel
Here’s a list of the different manufacturer’s that approve of Biodiesel in some blend:
OEM Diesel Engine Manufacturers Supporting Biodiesel Use
Biodiesel Toolkit Awesome page on the quality standards on Biodiesel. Lists the full ASTM Standards along with the awesome Handling & Used Guidelines manual.
It’s refreshing to see so many engine manufacturer’s willing to support Biodiesel for use in their engines; many of which support blends up to 20% too! Hopefully we’ll see even higher blend support going forward!
Happy Brewing!