We’re coming to the end of a great year and thought we’d share a few of the new products we introduced at Utah Biodiesel Supply this year as well as some of the fun events and customer spotlights we were a part of!
Frankincense & Myrrh Biodiesel Glycerin Soap
For the holiday season, we had a special batch of our awesome Biodiesel Glycerin Soap made up and scented with Frankincense & Myrrh fragrance! This is our third year with this awesome scent and they’re always a hit!
Click Here To See Our Full Selection Of Biodiesel Glycerin Soap
Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Brewing Filters
Near the beginning of the year we decided to introduce a new stainless steel filter specifically for the beer brewing crowd. We’d custom built a few of these over the years for winery’s & breweries, so adding one for the brewing folks out there was a natural fit.
They were an instant hit and immediately we began to expand our offerings to include several different sizes. We now have hop spiders in 4 inch, 6 inch, and 8 inch diameter with various lengths available. We also have two 6 inch filters that specifically fit keg’s too (a.k.a. Keggle Filters)!
From there, we added 6″ and 12″ Kettle Screens along with Glass Carboy Dry Hoppers and Corny Keg Dry Hoppers!
The brewing filters have been a huge hit! We’ve sold them to great folks all over the world and the feedback has been awesome! Interestingly, we’ve also had people use these unique filters for brewing coffee and tea too as well as for filtering when making wine as well! Probably the most exotic use we heard was a customer using them for his worm compost tea. He said they were incredible! We’re always amazed at the cool ways our awesome customers come up with to use these great filters!
Click Here To See All The Brewing Filters
As you may (or may not) know, we’ve been selling stainless filters for several years now for drums, buckets, totes, and even suction filters too! They’ve been extremely popular this year! Be sure to check all of them out!
Stainless Steel Mesh Material
We also introduced a new line of stainless mesh screens in several different micron sizes too! They come in handy 12″ x 12″ sizes and are available in 74, 100, 149, 177, 300, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 micron sizes! It’s the same material we use to build all of our heavy duty stainless filters with which means it’s really heavy duty stuff!
Click Here To See The Full Selection
Heavy Duty Electric Fuel Filter Heaters
In early December, the weather across much of the United States dropped into sub-zero territory, even in Utah! During that time our awesome 12 volt Fuel Filter Heater Wraps literally flew off our shelves! These little heaters rock at keeping your fuel filter nice & toasty warm–even in super cold temperatures! They’re available in 100 and 200 watt varieties and can be wired right to the battery with our great 30 amp Relay Kits!
With the filter heaters installed, we were able to help keep several diesel trucks up & running strong even with Biodiesel in the tank! Click Here For Details
Heavy Duty Biodiesel Compatible Fuel Hose
This year we also introduced Biodiesel compatible fuel line that can be used to replace rubber fuel lines on diesel powered vehicles and equipment. The fuel line is available in 1/2″, 3/8″, 1/4″, 1/8″ and can be had in 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 foot lengths plus we can also cut it in any custom length too! Click Here To Learn More About The Hose
On the pumping side of things, we introduced three new pumps this year!
Biodiesel Transfer Pump – 12 GPM / 120 Volt
The first is our 12 GPM 120 Volt Biodiesel rated transfer pump. It fits onto drums or tanks and comes with 12 feet of Biodiesel rated transfer hose. It’s the same pump we’ve offered for several years on our BioPro Automated Biodiesel Processors. We’ve had one on our own BioPro 190 now for nearly 7 years and it’s still running strong! Click Here for details
Methanol Transfer Pump – 12 GPM/120 Volt
The second pump is a 12 GPM 120 Volt Methanol Transfer Pump
It features an explosion proof pumping head that can easily be attached to methanol drums giving you a portable methanol pumping station! Click Here For Details
WVO/WMO/Biodiesel Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Pump
The third pump is our Heavy Duty Raw Power Vehicle Fuel Pump.
This pump was engineered from scratch to pump waste vegetable oil (WVO), waste motor oil (WMO), and Biodiesel to the injection pump on diesel vehicles. It includes an extremely robust pump motor, an adjustable pressure regulator for controlling output pressures, and a massive heavy duty mounting bracket for mounting it practically anywhere you can bolt it down!
The manufacturer that builds this pump uses WVO in their own vehicle and got tired of replacing fuel pumps with pumps that weren’t able to handle the thicker oils. What was born out of that effort is a pump that is completely up to the task, is reliable, and can truly pump thicker fuels like Biodiesel repeatedly with no problems!
Click Here to check it out! We think it’s incredible!
New Biodiesel Book:
Building A Successful Biodiesel Business
We ran into Rudy Pruszko at the Collective Biodiesel Conference and had a chance to sign up to sell this incredible book! Rudy, along with Jon Van Gerpen, Brent Shanks, Gerhard Knoth, and Dave Clements (yeah, THOSE GUYS) all helped to author this incredible book on how to commercially produce and sell Biodiesel successfully! We’ve been a fan of this book for years and even took the week long course they used to offer in Iowa, so we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to offer this great book on our website!
Click Here to read more about the book!
New Diesel To Our Fleet
In April, we picked up a 1980 240 D Mercedes Diesel!
After adjusting the valves and swapping out the fuel filters, we started feeding it Biodiesel and it’s loved it ever since!
Collective Biodiesel Conference
In August of this year we attended the annual Collective Biodiesel Conference. It was held in Breckenridge, Colorado this year and was incredible! We ran into several of our awesome customers while we were there an even had a chance to present as well!
A few months back we did an in-depth report on the conference and highlighted some of the presentations that really stood out. Click here to see our full report!
Customer Spotlights:
This year we were able to do several Customer Spotlights on many of our awesome customers!
Check out all the fun!
Students Build Solar Powered Biodiesel Processor
The iBiodiesel Team of students from Shepard High School in Illionois built a solar powered Biodiesel plant!
Customers Show Off Their Centrifuge Setups
Several of our customers shared pictures & video’s of their Raw Power Centrifuge setups! Check out all the awesome awesome ways our customers are using these incredible centrifuges!
Students Successfully Fire Spark-Ignition Engine On Biodiesel
Malaysian Students Run A Spark Ignition Engine On Biodiesel This was really cool! These students did a project to find out if they could fire a spark ignition engine using Biodiesel with a methanol blend. We even have video!!! Check it out!
Monster Gear Pump Attached To A Gas Engine
Ryan, one of our awesome customers, custom built a frame to mount one of our sweet Goldstream Monster Pump Heads too, attached a gas engine and a bunch of hose and made a lean, mean, waste motor oil sucking machine! Check out all the details here!
An Out Of This World Biodiesel Story: Bio-Wars
Imagine Star Wars meets Biodiesel and you have the makings of a really cool short story, written by customer Erin Unbehaun out of Wisconsin.
Click Here to read his awesome story!
Semi-Trailer Biodiesel Refinery (Oh Yeah!)
We had an awesome customer out of Oregon build a complete Biodiesel refinery to brew all his Biodiesel in right on site. He sent us several pictures of this incredible setup! It’s plumbed with water and electricity & he reports that it works incredibly well! Check out all the pictures of the refinery here!
Biodiesel From Coffee Grounds Science Fair Project Wins First Place!
Zerina Ocanovic, a student from Utah, won first place with her incredible science fair project about making Biodiesel from coffee grounds! It was such a hit that Biodiesel Magazine even wrote a story about her success!
We had a chance to help her out with some of the research and had a blast! Check out all the pictures here!
Teacher Flies In A Biodiesel Powered Airplane
Yeah, you read it right! One of our awesome customers and teacher at Ponaganset High School, Ross McCurdy, decided he wanted to fly in an airplane powered by Biodiesel. And so….he did!
Check out all the pictures of this awesome adventure!
(do we have the coolest customers in the world or what?)
Easy Loading & Unloading Of Biodiesel Dry Wash Towers
Kyle, one of our awesome dry wash customers, figured out an awesome way to load and unload his SpringPro T76 Dry Wash Towers and sent pictures & details in for us to share with everyone!
Check it out by clicking here!
As you can see, we’ve had an awesome year and are looking forward to all the fun 2014 will bring! We hope you’ve had a great year too & look forward to working with all of you this coming year!
Happy Holidays!
Utah Biodiesel Supply!
Thanks for this blog. Great information about the Biodiesel industry, cool pictures and videos! Check out http://www.oiltradessupplycorp.com/biodiesel for additional information on biodiesel!